As a turkey hunter, understanding the senses of wild turkeys is crucial for a successful hunt. Knowing how well turkeys can hear and what types of sounds they are most sensitive to is important so you can effectively communicate with them during a hunt. Therefore, the question arises – do turkeys have good hearing? In this article, we will explore the hearing abilities of wild turkeys and what factors affect their hearing.
Can Turkeys Hear Good
Yes, turkeys can hear good. They are believed to have a slightly better hearing range than humans and can detect sounds that are too high or low for us to hear.
In comparison to human hearing, wild turkeys can, in fact, hear very well. This heightened hearing and uncanny ability prove beneficial for wild turkeys, as it enables them to communicate effectively through their complex vocal systems that produce a variety of distinct and unique sounds. Their intricate vocal cords consist of numerous branches that help transmit a sound wave to the listener effectively.
How Far Can A Turkey Hear A Turkey Call
Turkeys have an incredible sense of hearing, especially when it comes to turkey calls. A turkey’s ability to detect even the slightest of sounds is remarkable. A turkey can identify the exact location of a call and determine little anomalies, whether it is a real wild turkey or a hunter using a call. In fact, a gobbler can hear a turkey call from a distance of up to 100 yards or more, depending on the terrain and weather conditions.
In ideal conditions, a turkey’s hearing range can extend up to a mile or more. This means that it is crucial for hunters to be aware of their surroundings and use calls sparingly and effectively. Overuse of calls or using them in the wrong way can alert the turkeys to your presence and cause them to avoid the area altogether.
Do Loud Noises Scare Turkeys
I can tell you that loud noises can definitely scare turkeys. Turkeys have a very sensitive sense of hearing and can detect the slightest of sounds. Loud noises such as gunshots or sudden movements can startle turkeys and cause them to run away.
Even when using turkey calls, it is important to be subtle and not overdo it, as loud or unnatural sounds can alert the turkeys to your presence. It is important to be aware of your surroundings and avoid making sudden movements or noises that could scare off nearby turkeys.
Wild Turkey Hearing Abilities
Does Age Affect Hearing?
Wild turkeys possess excellent hearing abilities, which play a vital role in their survival. As they age, their hearing does decline but does not seem to decline significantly. This may be attributed to their genetic makeup or environmental factors.
Understanding Sound Waves
When it comes to understanding sound waves, turkeys exhibit an acute sense of hearing. Research suggests that they can detect lower-frequency and more distant sounds compared to humans.
They lack external ear flaps, or pinnae, to concentrate a sound wave but still possess excellent hearing abilities. Their heightened sensitivity to sound helps them thrive in their natural habitats, where they rely on their auditory senses for communication, foraging, and predator detection.
Anatomy of Turkey’s Ears
Where is the External Ear Located?
The external ear of a wild turkey is located on the side of the turkey’s head. This is where the sound enters. This hole is not visible from the outside and is covered by feathers. Wild turkey’s external ears lack ear lobes, also known as pinnae. Pinnae are responsible for capturing sound waves and funneling them into the ear canal in humans.
Do Turkeys Have Holes for Ears?
Yes, turkeys do have holes for ears, which lead to their inner ear. The openings of their ears are protected by feathers. These carefully designed feathers protect the ear without reducing its capacity to perceive sound.
Despite not having pinnae, turkeys possess remarkable hearing abilities. The external anatomy features of a wild turkey’s ears may seem underdeveloped compared to humans, but they have adapted to provide turkeys with excellent hearing capabilities.
Behavior And Communication In Wild Turkeys
How Turkeys Communicate
Turkeys use various vocalizations to communicate with each other within their social groups. Gobbling is a loud and far-reaching noise that males, or toms, use primarily during the breeding season to assert dominance and attract females. Hens, the female turkeys, tend to use softer, more subtle calls such as purring to communicate.
Aside from vocalizations, wild turkeys also utilize physical behaviors to convey their intent. For example, when they feel threatened or want to assert dominance, turkeys may puff up their feathers and fan their tails.
In situations where they want to appear less threatening or submissive, turkeys may adopt a more relaxed posture, with their feathers down and tail feathers un-fanned. It’s quite fascinating to observe the range of behaviors in these intelligent birds.
Turkey Hunting: Understanding Turkey Calls
In my experience observing and studying turkeys, I have identified various calls they use to communicate with one another. Some of the most common calls include:
- Gobbling: As previously mentioned, this is a loud and far-reaching sound primarily made by male turkeys to establish territory and attract females during the breeding season.
- Yelping: This is a common call used by both male and female turkeys to locate one another and maintain group cohesion.
- Clucking: A short, soft call often used by hens to communicate with their young or another turkey in close proximity.
- Purring: A soft, gentle call that hens use to communicate with their young or convey contentment.
- Cutting: Cutting is a fast, aggressive call that is often used by hens when they are excited or agitated. It can also be used by gobblers to challenge other males.
- Putt: The putt is a short, sharp call that turkeys use to alert each other to danger. It is often used by both hens and gobblers when they sense a predator nearby.
While understanding the various calls turkeys use is useful, it is important to consider the context in which the calls are made. Factors such as the time of year, the bird’s location, and the presence of other turkeys will all impact the meaning and intent behind each vocalization.
By paying close attention to the nuances of their behavior and communication, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the complex social lives of these smart birds.
Can Turkeys Hear Or See Better
As someone who loves wild turkey hunting, I can tell you that a turkey’s senses for both hearing and sight are excellent. However, when it comes to which sense is better, it really depends on the situation. Turkeys have a sharp sense of hearing and can pick up sounds from quite a long distance away. They are especially sensitive to high-pitched sounds, which is why many wild turkey hunters use specific turkey calls to lure them in.
Turkeys also have excellent eyesight and can detect movement from a great distance. They have a wide field of vision and can see in color, which gives them an advantage when it comes to spotting predators. A wild turkey’s hearing supplements vision.
New Turkey Hunters: Pay Attention to Sight and Sound
When turkey hunting, it is important to be aware of both their hearing and sight abilities and use a combination of tactics to remain undetected.