My name is Jerry, and I am the creator of Cabin Nation. This site was born out of my desire to share my outdoor experiences and adventures with you. I am an avid outdoorsman, hunter, and fisherman who aims to spend as much time as possible surrounded by nature. Years spent exploring since early childhood has blessed me with with a wealth of experiences that I am eager to share.
I’m hopeful my first hand knowledge and experience will inspire you and give you the confidence to spend more time outdoors with family and friends. In my opinion, some of life’s best experiences involve stepping out of your comfort zone, trying new things, and immersing yourself in nature.
Whether it’s casting a line across the surface of the water, portaging to the next campsite with a backpack stuffed with gear, sitting in a deer stand calling in a monster buck, or opening up the cabin in early spring, there is something truly magnificent and unique with each of these moments.
I aim to share tips, tricks, and advice to enhance your outdoor adventures. Together, we will explore the skills needed to master outdoor activities, evaluate and select the ideal equipment, and deepen our understanding of the outdoors and its majestic wildlife.
So, whether you are new to the outdoors and heading out on your first camping trip, a fellow hunter looking to pick up a few pointers, a fishing enthusiast looking to add a couple more fish to your fish net, or an adventurer seeking gear recommendations, you’ve come to the right place.
Let’s begin this journey of exploring and learning about the outdoors together.
And don’t forget to relax; you’re at the cabin!